cRroom Service

cRoom service, facility maintenance and lifecycle services 

In addition to the design and implementation of equipment shjelters, we offer in-service maintenance and upkeep of cRoom equipment shelters. 

The instrumentation and functions of the equipment shelters can be upgraded or completely re-equipped as the need for the equipment room changes. The equipment room can be upgraded on site or we can collect the equipment room from our factory for modifications.

The updated and up-to-date device mode is then delivered back to its place and switched back on. 

cRoom service to ensure operation

CRoom service ensures uninterrupted and trouble-free operation or rapid return to production in the event of damage. The main tasks of the service and maintenance department are to ensure the proper functioning, cleanliness and orderliness of the technical building systems. Changes in conditions at critical sites can be monitored through CRoom remote monitoring. The key objective is to ensure that process conditions are protected against a wide range of factors as agreed.

The basis for maintenance is provided by CRoom planning and sales, where work is carried out on the basis of a life-cycle approach. In product design, the aim is to plan the life cycle according to the needs of the user. The traditional elements of the life cycle to be considered are; delivery, maintenance and servicing, extensions or modifications, equipment upgrades, relocation or dismantling and reuse. cRoom shelters facilities service and manufacture by Harri Haavikko Ltd

The cRoom Service model in brief:

1. Maintenance

Upgrading and re-equipping the shelters according to changes in use.

3. Modifications

Changes and modifications will ensure a long and compliant life cycle of the facility.

2. Maintenance

The main task of maintenance is to ensure the proper functioning of the facility and technology without long interruptions.

4. Transfers

Moves and relocations of shelters as needs and uses change.

+ in addition to these, we offer dismantling and recycling

Equipment shelter maintenance contracts 

Instruments and equipment in the equipment shelters need regular maintenance. We offer service contracts for annual inspections and maintenance, as well as a rapid service response to any faults.

A service contract therefore ensures an easy and worry-free way to focus on your core business, which is flexibly supported by cRoom shelters and service contracts. 

We redeem our equipment space 

While our shelters last for a while, there may come a time when they are no longer fit for the purpose for which they were originally designed and need to be replaced by, for example, a larger equipment shelter.

In such a situation, we are interested in reclaiming the old equipment shelter for us. Please contact our sales team and we will discuss your current situation and your new shelter needs on a case-by-case basis. 

Interested in cRoom service contract?
